AC’s VS CodeRush/Refactor Tools for SharePoint Developers v1.1 Cheat Sheet

Just recently I started using AC’s Visual Studio CodeRush/Refactor Tools for SharePoint Developers. I know that the AC’s Tools have been there for a while. Somehow I missed them. Lucky for me, just recently I stumbled upon them once again and decided to give them a try and guess what: they are great and they save you a lot of time typing SharePoint XML.

Andrew has put a lot of stuff in there, and while I don’t use all of it, I really appreciate being able to type newguid to generate a GUID, assemblyfullname to get the 4-part assembly name at my cursor or fxml to get the complete template of a Feature XML definition!

While AC has done a great job making it as intuitive as possible for us I found out that I needed some help learning all the different templates. I thought a cheat sheet would help me – and it does! If you’ve just started using AC’s Tools you should definitely check it out. I’m quite sure it will help you get familiar with all the stuff AC has put there for you: go on and check out the AC’s VS CodeRush/Refactor Tools for SharePoint v1.1 Cheat Sheet (download link at the bottom of the post).

Technorati Tags: SharePoint, SharePoint 2007, WSS 3.0, MOSS 2007

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