Getting started with SharePoint Framework - Office Dev PnP Web Cast
Recently Microsoft announced the SharePoint Framework - a new development model for building SharePoint customizations. Here is what it is and how it works.
SharePoint Framework - powered by open source
For the first time ever Microsoft announced a development model for SharePoint customizations based on open source toolchain. While you still be able to use Visual Studio for building SharePoint solutions, you can also use the open source toolchain to develop for SharePoint on any platform.
SharePoint Framework isn’t available publicly at this moment. To answer some questions, that you might have about what SharePoint Framework is and how you will work with it once it’s released, Vesa Juvonen - Program Manager on the SharePoint engineering team and I recorded a web cast. In our presentation we discuss and show how you can use the open source toolchain for building SharePoint solutions and how the development lifecycle looks like. We show you an example of what you could build with the new SharePoint Framework and show you step by step how you would do it.
We hope our web cast answers some questions that you might have after the latest announcements. Please, don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions or would like to learn about some other aspects of the new SharePoint Framework.
While you can’t start working with the SharePoint Framework just yet, you can start preparing for it, so that when it’s released, you will be ready to start building awesome solutions.