Imtech SharePoint GoCodes (Free SharePoint Feature)

Imtech SharePoint GoCodes is a SharePoint Feature which allows you to manage a list of accessible URL’s in SharePoint 2007. Instead of using for example http://SharePoint/MyDivision/SubSites/Documents/VeryImportant.docx you can use http://SharePoint/go/ImportantDoc.

The Feature allows you to use semantic URL’s. It becomes really useful if you either send URL’s to other people or want to make particular pieces of your SharePoint Site easily accessible.

Imtech SharePoint GoCodes List

The Imtech SharePoint GoCodes Feature gives you two redirect options: permanent and temporary. These options are very important considering Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Depending on your scenario you might want search engines to index particular redirects and skip others.

Another Feature is tracking the number of redirects. You can enable it per redirect. It gets particularly useful if you use a particular Go for example in presentations and would like to know how many people have visited it.

Imtech SharePoint GoCodes is a free Feature and you can use it without any restrictions.

Download: Imtech SharePoint GoCodes v1.0.0.0 (25KB) and the source code (69KB).

Technorati Tags: SharePoint, SharePoint 2007, MOSS 2007, WSS 3.0, WCM

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