JavaScript and Microsoft Graph (Quick Contacts Sample) - Office Dev PnP Web Cast
Recently Stefan Bauer and I built a sample Angular application showing how you can leverage the People API from the Microsoft Graph. In the latest Office Dev PnP web cast we talk about how we designed and developed it.
Find relevant contacts easily on your mobile phone with Quick Contacts
In our work we communicate with many different people. But how do you easily find their contact information, specifically when you are on the go? Microsoft Graph offers us powerful APIs to get insights and information stored in the Microsoft cloud. One of such APIs is the People API that you can use to retrieve your recent contacts.
Recently fellow-MVP Stefan Bauer and I built a sample Angular application showing how you can leverage Microsoft Graph APIs in powerful productivity solutions.
In the latest Office Dev PnP web cast Stefan, Vesa and I talk about how we approached the design and development of the sample application and which choices we made and why. The web cast gives insight in how Stefan and I think about building productivity solutions on the Microsoft platform and which tools we use in our daily work.
If you are developing on the Office platform I would highly recommend you watch the web cast. Also don’t hesitate to reach out to either one of us if you have any questions or feedback around the format.