#3 Microsoft 365 PnP - is it just resources?

You might have heard of Microsoft 365 PnP - Patterns and Practices, an initiative meant to help people extend Microsoft 365 to their needs following the best practices. PnP is samples, tools, documentation, videos and more. Actually, it’s even more than that.

To me, PnP is People and Practices. It’s a collection of resources backed by passionate individuals who choose to spend their time helping others. And I’m proud to be a part of it.

Why do we do it? Why do we help others? Because it feels good. Because that’s the only way forward. Because it’s the only way for us to truly learn from each other. Because together we can accomplish so much more and can make a difference rather than keep reinventing the wheel and banging our heads against the same problems that have been solved already.

Want to help but don’t know where to start? If you like to present, volunteer to present in a community demo. If you like to write, write a blog post. If language is your thing, improve the docs. If you like to build stuff, share your code sample. It has never been easier to help others and PnP is the platform where you can share your work with thousands of other folks passionate about Microsoft 365.

So what are you going to do?

Photo by Rémi Walle on Unsplash

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