Microsoft Recoder 2015 presentation deck available
At the recent Microsoft Recoder 2015 event I presented a session about building solutions with the Office Graph.
The presentation
Delve, formerly known as Project Oslo, is a new and innovative way to discover information and content in Office 365. Delve recommends information to you based on analytics from SharePoint, Yammer, Lync and Exchange. In this session we will take a look at the programming API’s of Delve, the Office Graph. We will take a look at the foundation concepts of the Office Graph and see how we can build smart and helpful applications for your organization as well as extending Delve.
Although I have presented this session a few times before I tend to change it every time around: either if it’s due to a different slot length or to some new material I have created recently. This time around I chose to have only a couple of introduction slides and focus on explaining the mechanics of the Office Graph using sample add-ins and web applications.
The audience that attended this session was mixed and it’s great to see that the number of developers who have already worked with the Office Graph increases every time I present. Despite the difference in experience levels the audience was great and did not hold their questions back allowing everyone, including myself, to get even more out of this session.
Following is the presentation deck that I used in this session:
The event
Although I have been presenting in the UK before it’s been my first time to present at a local event there. Despite the local character of Microsoft Recoder 2015, I have seen many familiar faces both attending and presenting at the event.
I enjoyed presenting at Microsoft Recoder 2015 a lot and would like to thank the organization for this opportunity.