SharePoint blogs RSS feeds aggregation back on-line

It took me a bit to make it up and running correctly, but here it is: the aggregation of SharePoint blogs RSS is available again!

Right after I published the first aggregation I got notified that there was an aggregation of SharePoint MVPs’ blogs already available. While I’m trying to follow the SharePoint scene, I have definitely missed that one. In case you didn’t know it either, check out the post by Lawrence Liu at Microsoft SharePoint Team Blog: New aggregated feeds for SharePoint MS team and individual blogs as well as SharePoint MVP blogs. This feed is being updated after each MVP award cycle so providing yet another aggregation seems pointless.

Earlier this year Joel Oleson has put together a list of the top 100 SharePoint blogs on the Internet. While the list contains almost every SharePoint blog I’m subscribed to, the SharePoint community is much bigger than that. That’s why I have decided to share with you an aggregation of the SharePoint blogs I follow instead.

If you blog on SharePoint on regular, and your blog isn’t there, let me know and I’ll include your RSS in the aggregation. On the other hand, if you don’t want your feed to be a part of the aggregation, please don’t hesitate to ask me to remove it. The aggregation provides the titles and excerpts (the first 255 chars) of the articles and is meant to simplify following up on the newest content, but if you want to keep the exclusive right of publishing your RSS, I will remove your address from the SharePoint aggregation.

The new URL’s are:

  • The 15 most recent articles by SharePoint bloggers: </go/sharepointrss>
  • All recent articles by SharePoint bloggers (large!): </go/sharepointrssall>

Technorati Tags: SharePoint, SharePoint 2007, MOSS 2007, WSS 3.0

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