SharePoint Saturday Stockholm 2015 presentation deck available
The presentation
Delve, formerly known as Project Oslo, is a new and innovative way to discover information and content in Office 365. Delve recommends information to you based on analytics from SharePoint, Yammer, Lync and Exchange. In this session we will take a look at the programming API’s of Delve, the Office Graph. We will take a look at the foundation concepts of the Office Graph and see how we can build smart and helpful applications for your organisation as well as extending Delve. In our presentation Wictor and I discussed what Office Graph is and how it supports Office Delve. We explained how you can compose Office Graph queries using the Graph Query Language and what the different possibilities are to connect your solutions to the Office Graph. Finally we discussed some sample scenarios backed by solutions built on top of the Office Graph. During the presentation we referred to the Office Graph documentation which describes the current capabilities of the Graph Query Language and which can be accessed at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/office365/howto/query-Office-graph-using-gql-with-search-rest-api. Following is the presentation deck from our session:
Thank you ---------It has been the very first time for me to present at the SharePoint Saturday Stockholm. It’s been a truly great event and we had an awesome audience attending our presentation. I’m sure I can speak for both Wictor and I that we had a great fun sharing our experiences with the Office Graph with you and enjoyed the discussion around privacy in Delve and Office Graph. I would like to thank the organization for hosting the event and for the opportunity to speak. Thank you guys!